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Article Name :
Used of hill tracks and anti-social activities in Northeast India–A Indo-Burma borderperspective
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Hill passes on Northeast India had immense importance for its strategic and cartographic location. These hill tracks connect Northeast India with east, southeast and west. With Burma and China the contact were maintained thr ough several hill tracks lying between India-Burma borders at Himalayan Ranges. These hill passes were used by groups of people for their movement on either sides fr om early past and it bears both, social and anti-social elements to this region. It had a great importance fr om the point of cultural inter course, immigration, fr ontier war etc. The region had the experiences of W orld W ar and the inhabitants had the experience of guerrilla war far e, taught fr om the Allied power . At present Kachin is most important training ground for the outfit groups of the Northeastern region. They had taken training in lieu of money . Kachins ar e traded arms, earlier which were left by the Allied powers in dense areas of Burma after the end of war and at present bought fr om neighbouring nations. The Kachin area is an important site for drug also, and smuggled it. Thus this paper high lightings these antisocial issues which are in-filter ed to the region thr ough hill tracks.
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